High Road To Passion

Filipa Roque
2 min readNov 20, 2020

While life passes by, we frequently tend to stop following our passions. Some courageous people have the guts to stand up for themselves and actually pursue their own passions, most during some middle life crisis that makes them open up their eyes.

We get so used to the routine, that we end up stop questioning what is best for us, what would make us happier. At the end of the day, if we are working, earning at the end of the month, why change? Why change the uncertain for the certainty we already have? Looking that way, it does seem kind of crazy but is it? When did following our passions become so wrong? We are beings of passions and following that passions will ultimately lead us to a higher state of happiness. Even though sometimes we hit a dead-end; even when we realize that the road we are taking wasn’t the right one after all, isn’t that better than being resentful your whole life for not giving it a shot?

Our mind and our way of living block us from taking big risks. We lead a miserable life because we can’t see a way out of it. The longer we wait to take action, the more impossible it seems to actually make it. Reality doesn’t really seem to be in our side most of the time. Although I believe that in the end, when you reach the point you desired, everything will be worth it. Or maybe I am just too naive to face the reality, who knows? Maybe you think you do, maybe one of us is wrong. Well, let us dreamers dream. Maybe one day our dreams can actually make a difference.



Filipa Roque

A young mind full of thoughts and ideas trying to figure life. Feel free to enter my little world, make yourself at home.