Quick Tour Through Digital Marketing

Today I want to talk to you about this new subject that entered my life: Digital Marketing. I am not even close to an expert, although I would like to share with you some of the insights I learned during a quick online course I took recently. I will also give you some useful tips, so stay close.

Filipa Roque
4 min readDec 5, 2020

Marketing is way more than the final product we are familiar with. I always thought of marketing as a creative work, however, there’s a whole scientific part behind it that I wasn’t fully aware of. Honestly, most of that science behind the scenes work was completely new for me. Acquire all that new information, even though it was just a slight insight, increased my interest in the area and that’s why I am here talking about it. I would like to share a little bit of what I learned and maybe increase your curiosity on the way.

Do you know how the searches on Google are organized? No? I’ll tell you. Two terms you need to be familiar with:

SEO: Search Engine Optimization;

SEA: Search Engine Advertising.

The searches on the top of the page are related to SEA, signed as ads. SEA is based on the auction and Pay Per Click (PPC).

If you are thinking you just need to pay and the higher bidder earns the first spot, you’re wrong. The content on the top page is organized according to several criteria, such as the bid, quality and format/impact of the website. So yes, paying more it’s not exactly a golden ticket to the first place in the searches, keep that in mind.

The subsequent searches are related to SEO, where the position of your content is organised based on merit. Strong SEO management leads to more lasting results and increases the quality and quantity of visitors to your website. Some of the relevant factors to SEO include the page title, URL, meta description, links directing to the website and responsiveness.

Tools you must know to have better business results:

  • Google Analytics

This tool is pretty useful to analyse your content. You can have an idea of what your followers are most interested in, what you need to improve. By using it you are able to have a deeper knowledge of your costumers, leading to an increase in sales.

  • Google Trends

With this tool, you are able to know the trending topics in the world or in specific places through time. You can also follow the evolution of searches of a keyword. This information might be helpful to increase SEO. If you use trending words in your content, the chances of increasing SEO are higher.

  • Google My Business

If you thought that all the information when you search for a specific place on Google would magically gather together to create this:

Don’t feel ashamed about it, actually, I thought that too. I thought that only a website with all the useful information was enough to get it. In fact, in order to have all that information showing up on Google search and Google maps you actually need to create an account on Google My Business. The best part of it? It’s free! If you have any kind of business, don’t forget to do it. It’s way easier for people to find you. It’s also really important that you don’t forget to have your information updated and also keep track and answer every comment about your business. Maintaining a good digital reputation is essential in order to grow your business.

  • Unsplash

This website is particularly useful for visual content. When you need to use a picture, please, don’t search on Google and use whatever it comes. In order to avoid copyright issues, I suggest you use Unsplash instead. Here you have access to a variety of pictures for free!

There’s way more to discuss in this evolving field that is Marketing, so much more to unveil… However, that will be all for today. I hope this article increased your curiosity, such as that online course did to me. If you have any other information, tool or opinion to share, feel free to express yourself in the comment section below.



Filipa Roque

A young mind full of thoughts and ideas trying to figure life. Feel free to enter my little world, make yourself at home.