Thoughts About Love

I just watched a romantic movie and I thought: it seems like a good day to express some feelings about love. So, I turned my softie playlist on and started writing. I may or may not have cried while writing it.

Filipa Roque
3 min readJun 6, 2021

As a girl raised mostly consuming Disney and romantic content, I always thought of love as this ‘boy meets girl’ situation. I would find my perfect someone and that would be it. We would fall in love, get married, have babies. Isn’t that how it’s supposed to work? Well, turns out it’s not.

When I had my first relationship, I had that same very thought: ‘that’s it, that’s my someone’! Oh, that’s where I was wrong. It was way far from what I was expecting. As you may imagine, my expectations were quite high. Nothing really went in the direction I was hoping for. I guess that’s life, right? It was okay, after some time. We were just two kids having their first serious relationship.

Time passed by, and there I was: opening my eyes, experiencing life, getting to know myself. I look back to some situations and I can’t stop thinking: why the hell did I do that? However, at the same time, I’m glad I did. I met different people, different perspectives and that’s what made me grow. Even if I didn’t want, how couldn’t I? A few heartbreaks, some wounds and scratches, but here I am.

As we grow, this idea of instant love that tv fed us, end up falling apart. It’s not by a first glance that you will know that THAT is your person. Love will not magically appear out of nowhere. I mean, the idea of love being that simple it’s pretty appealing! I still watch romantic movies, cry like a baby and think: ‘I want that’. The difference now is that I know it’s not how life really works. If you are lucky enough, yes, you might get that movie love story. However, that most probably won’t happen, and that’s okay.

Love is way more than the beginning, it’s a whole construction. Love it’s about the small details: the way you look at each other when no one is watching, the way you take care of each other, the way you keep growing together. It’s about the daily routine together: getting back after a busy day at work and having that someone waiting for you, it’s cooking together, having meals together while sharing some dumb details about your day. Love is cuddles, but also some occasional fights. Love is messy, silly and different to every single person. You might have to try a few different types of people until you realize what exactly do you want from love. When you find someone with the same love ideals, committed to making things work, that might actually be your person. Who knows, right? Keep your heart open. When love comes to you, make sure you won’t miss it.



Filipa Roque

A young mind full of thoughts and ideas trying to figure life. Feel free to enter my little world, make yourself at home.